Honoring our Veterans

Crosstown Harmony Chorus performed on Saturday, September 3rd at the Vietnam Moving Wall Memorial in Germantown. We were honored to be invited to share this beautiful tribute and to welcome home our heroes. We, non-military, are reminded That Freedom is not free, it comes at a price. And that price is written on this Wall.
Made possible by the Germantown American Legion Post 1, The Vietnam Moving Wall™ (TMW) was on display at Kennedy Middle School athletic field September 1-5. The Moving Wall™ is a half-size replica of the Washington, DC Vietnam Veterans Memorial and has been touring the country for 30-plus years. There are 58,307 names on this wall. 14 of those names are from Washington County.
Along with hosting The Moving Wall™ there was a Healing Field®; an American Huey 369 giving membership rides; a “Welcome Home” parade; a hands-on Vietnam era educational experience; a full-color keepsake book and much more. Thank you to all who helped organize this amazing event and to all the men & women who have served this great country!