Fun & Learning go hand in hand at January Jamboree

Educational opportunities abound when you are a member of a Sweet Adeline's chorus. This year's January Jamboree featured Diane Porsch!
Diane Porsch, Master Director of the Buffalo Gateway Show Chorus since the fall of 2001, is a life-long musician. She joined Sweet Adelines in 1974, got hooked on barbershop music, and never left. In fact, she is such an avid and accomplished barbershopper it's how she makes her living! She spends most of her time focused on barbershop harmony as a Chorus Director, Coach, and Music Seminar Facilitator.
In her work with Sweet Adelines, Diane has achieved many honors: she's a Certified International Faculty Member, a Certified International Showmanship Judge, past Moderator of the International Faculty Coordinators' Committee, Chair of the 2003 International Educational Symposium and served a three-year term as Secretary of Sweet Adelines' International Board of Directors. She has coached champion mens’ and womens’ choruses throughout the United States, England, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.. Not surprisingly, her educational background is as a music major, and she studied at both the University of Dubuque, Iowa, and the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.
Diane’s enthusiasm and wonderful sense of humor are inspirational assets. It was a fun and educational weekend.