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Coaching with Lynne Smith

Coaching with Lynne Smith

On Monday, July 17th we had the honor of learning from Showmanship coach extraordinaire Lynne Smith! It was a great evening filled with laughter, fun and of course some great tips on improving our performance.

Lynne resides in Long Beach California, where her Sweet Adeline career started in 1973 when she joined the Long Beach Chorus, now known as Golden Sands.  In 2003 she became their Director and Showmanship Coach and was proud to compete in the Division AA Harmony Classic Competition in San Antonio Texas.  She is a Certified Member of the International Faculty, and a performing member and choreographer of the 2004 and 2007 International Championship Chorus, Harborlites. In her spare time she’s been seen coaching the USA Olympic synchronized swimming team and on occasion delivering inspiring motivational speeches.

It was an amazing opportunity to learn from this flamboyant and delightful International director, coach and educator. We look forward to seeing her again soon!