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March 15, 2021 - 8:53pm

We may not be able to be together in person, but we are still hoaning our craft everyday. This Monday Crosstown Harmony welcomed special guest coaches Karen Sweeters and her sister Gina Kaiser to share their knowledge and skills in barbershop. With over 35 years in Sweet Adelines International,...

February 6, 2021 - 6:00pm

Crosstown members joined voices with other Sweet Adeline's members from around the world to form a virtual chorus and perform "The Voice of Harmony". Take a listen!

December 14, 2020 - 12:00am

Crosstown Harmony had our first ever Virtual Holiday Party on Zoom last night. The Admin Team packed up cookies and gifts and delivered them to all members over the weekend. Then last night, after singing songs and chatting, gifts were opened, games were played, cookies were eaten! Members...

November 14, 2020 - 12:00am

We may not be able to be together in person, but we are still hoaning our craft everyday. Crosstown Harmony welcomed special guest coaches Karen Sweeters and her sister Gina Kaiser to share their knowledge and skills in barbershop via our weekly virtual rehearsal. With over 35 years in Sweet...

October 26, 2020 - 12:00am

It sure was great to welcome some new faces to our weeky rehearsals. It was an evening filled with singing, laughing and a little Halloween fun. Thank you to all the guests that attended our Open House. If you are interested in joining a rehearsal and seeing what we are all about, please contact...

September 17, 2020 - 3:22pm

Crosstown Harmony embarked on a new fundraiser this past summer and it was a kickin success. Crosstown members collected 114 bags of shoes. That's 2,848 pairs or a total weight of 2,752 pounds! Because of systemic poverty in many developing countries around the world, working-age adults have to...

March 7, 2020 - 12:00am

Crosstown Harmony welcomed special guest coaches Karen Sweeters and her sister Gina Kaiser to share their knowledge and skills in barbershop during our semi-annual weekend retreat. With over 35 years in Sweet Adelines International, Karen has gone from singing "on the risers" to directing ...

February 19, 2020 - 12:00am

The Amazing Gray's Social Club Luncheon's is a ministry partnership with North Cape Lutheran Church as an outreach to the senior citizens in the community. Monthly events include entertainment, informational speakers and nutritious, homemade meals. Crosstown harmony was delighted to be invited...

February 14, 2020 - 12:00am

To us, there is no better gift than music. That's why we spend our Valentine's Day delivering Singing Valentines throughout the SE WI area. The smiles, the tears, and the joy it brings to the recipients is moving. Consider buying a Singing Valentine for your loved one next year!


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February 10, 2020 - 12:00am

What a wonderful crowd! Thank you to Lakewood Alzheimer's Special Care for inviting us to sing at their facility. It was a great afternoon!

Those living with memory loss face special challenges. But they still have the ability to experience delight and engage in activities that stimulate...

February 8, 2020 - 12:00am

There was so much fun to be had at Singapalooza today, hosted by Region 3 RMT. A huge chorus singing a brand new song, “This Is Me!” with our director,...

January 20, 2020 - 12:00am

Crosstown Harmony welcomed special guest Gina Kaiser to rehearsal for an evening of learning and fun! Gina is a Visual Specialist, Choreographer and Showmanship Judge extraordinaire. She gave us a great visual plan for our upcoming competition. We can't wait to show off what we've learned on the...

